How To Stand Out When Making Your Fundraising Pitch: For Founders


The old school approach to put together your fundraising pitch was fill out a checklist of items and then read them like your resume. Slide 1-Problem. Slide 2-Solution. Slide 3-Team. And on and on it went. But that was pre-pandemic. That was pre-zoom. That was pre 2021 when we saw records shattered in the VC spending numbers. Because today there's a better approach. In fact there's the right approach that lets you stand out and cut through all of the noise. And in this video you will walk away knowing exactly what you need to focus on. It's conversational and it all comes down to powerful storytelling. You don't need to perform for investors anymore. Instead it's all about painting the picture for them and inviting them to join a grand adventure. I've helped founders raise over $50 million this year and 3-10x their valuations. I want you to be able to do the same thing. Don't make the mistake of doing things the old way.

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