Become that influential founder you look up to.

There is a promised land where investors, top talent and customers see your vision because you can articulate it so powerfully.

From seed to series C+, you'll reach that sacred level with our strategies.
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Gaining momentum


Stepping into the big leagues


Go from zero to one

Capital Raised


Client Founders


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MacBook mockup

Execute successful fundraises. Over and over.

Stack your calendar and generate hype about your startup before you enter the boardroom.
MacBook mockup

Master storytelling

Stack your calendar and generate hype about your startup before you enter the boardroom.

Success Stories

Success Stories

This has hugely impacted my business and the trajectory of my life.
Casey Means, MD
Co-Founder, Levels Health
Robbie has had a big impact on helping me raise capital.
Neil Littman
CEO & Co-Founderr, Bioverge Ventures
Having my stories solidified helped me land investments that I didn't think would come.
Clinton Buie
Chief Investment Officer, AmateMint Group
Investors have been floored by the approach I'm able to lead with.
Rachel Weissman
Founder, Potential AI
I have a framework for my stories now that I use every single day.
Fran Brzyski
CEO & Co-Founder, Hark Technologies
If I could give my younger self one piece of advice, it would be to work with Robbie earlier.
Jack Burlinson
CEO & Co-Founder, StageGlass
It was nothing short of powerful.
Katina Bajaj
CEO & Founder, Daydreamers

Founder Must-Reads

Founder Must-Reads

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barriers to funding

Join over 75 founders already growing with Founder Fundraising.
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How We Transform Founders

How We Transform Founders

> Investor psychology

Learn how investors see the world and how to stand out from other founders using psychologically powerful law industry techniques.

> Fundraise planning

Stack your calendar and generate hype about your startup before you enter the boardroom.

> Hiring top talent

Get industry-best minds to build your vision by showing them how they're joining the birth of a movement.

> Storytelling mastery

Captivate anybody who you meet with the persuasion techniques of history's best founders and storytellers.
Silhouette of powerful woman