Series A to C founders

Get the critical fundraising and influence-building skills required to raise your next big round.

From CEO to Chief Storytelling Officer

If you’re preparing to fundraise your next round, it's absolutely critical that you know how to tell your founder origin story and sell investors on your company's world-shifting vision.

When your team is counting on you to build the future you’ve promised, the winning story is the only way to succeed. Without that story, the money won't come.

Say goodbye to worrying about investors not being moved by what you're building.

Say hello to the superpower of selling yourself and your company at any time, in any round.

Each series round requires different tactics from the previous one.

We'll show you how to win investors in any round.

Graph showing stages of storytelling journey for founders

What you'll be able to do

Series A

Inspire industry-best talent to join your team and win the future.

Series B

Establish a culture of excellence and motivate your team to run through the competition.

Series C

Assemble the perfect investors to join your cap table by inspiring them with the impact and outcomes ahead.

Series A

Inspire industry-best talent to join your team and win the future.

Series B

Establish a culture of excellence and motivate your team to run through the competition.

Series C

Assemble the perfect investors to join your cap table by inspiring them with the impact and outcomes ahead.

Speaking well is something that sets apart a good and an exceptional founder.

You should run, not walk to join.

Yuliya Bel
Co-founder, Notus

Future-altering fundraising coaching in any round


Personal fundraising coaching for series founders

Quickest, most powerful results
Direct access to Robbie Crabtree
Support during your round
Investor meeting prep and reviews
3+ months
Live or remote
Custom pricing
Flexible schedule

Intimate group fundraising coaching for series founders

Powerful results with community inclusion
Direct access to Robbie Crabtree
Support during your round
Investor meeting reviews
3+ months
Live or remote
Custom pricing
Flexible schedule
Fundraising Foundations

Self-paced video lessons for pre-seed and seed founders

Video lessons from Robbie Crabtree
Investor meeting exercises
Fundraising checklists
Access to the Competitive Storytelling community
Lifetime access
Join from anywhere

$995 USD

One-time fee